ID a Tornado Foosball Table

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To find a modern Tornado Foosball tables model number, many first look at the lable inside the playfield:

As you are probably already aware, the tables model number is not on this Patent label.


The official model number is located on the inside of the table, either printed on the prop rod or an inner brace:



Here is the info I received on decoding the above modern-type model numbers: 

* the last 5 digits are the serial number; "26077"

*the beginning "TPYMSTP3" is a home model 3000 platinum. If the first "P" is a "K"... the table was born a coin-op model (example: TKYMSTP3 is a factory coin-op model). This is good to know as some home models have been converted to coin-op operation after-the-fact; you can determine if this was the case.

* The previous gen non-3000 tables started with "TTX" instead of TPY or TKY



has a "P" as the second digit... home model.

has a "K" as the second digit... born as a coin-op model.

starts with "TTX"... older than a 3000 model.

I have no additional info other than what's included here on this page. 

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